Kinone Space Community Open House
April 13, 2025🌿
毎年秋に行われていた、きのねポップアップは、10周年を記念して4月13日にコミュニティオープンハウスとして開催します。Kinone Fundraising pop-up, which used to take place in fall, will be held as a Community Open House on April 13 to celebrate our 10th anniversary.
参加申込|RSVP Required:
きのねスペースでは、10周年を記念してきのねの理念と日常を “Showcase(展示・紹介)”しながら、来場者のみなさんと一緒に過ごす“きのねとの一日”、Community Open Houseを開催します!季節を感じる自然に寄り添った暮らし、子供からお年寄りまでみんな楽しく、年齢に関係なく夢中で遊び学ぶ、きのねらしい時間と空間で、皆さんのお申し込みをお待ちしております!
In celebration of the 10th anniversary of Kinone Space, we would like to spend a day with visitors while “Showcase” (exhibit and introduce) Kinone's philosophy and daily life. We look forward to welcoming you to Kinone's unique time and space, where everyone, from children to the elderly, can play and learn together with enthusiasm, regardless of age, in a lifestyle close to nature where you can feel the seasons!
【Event Schedule】*The schedule is subject to change.
This event is designed for 100 attendees to enjoy the full program from morning to finale. You’re welcome to come and go freely (a stamp will be given at the reception), but we’d love for you to experience the entire "Kinone" atmosphere. Coffee, baked goods, and rice balls will be available until they run out, or by 12:30 at the latest. We appreciate your understanding!
Also, if your plans change after registration, we kindly ask that you inform us at
Morning きのねCafeタイム、ベイク品販売、大人の整える時間(癒し系ベンダーさん)、子供の遊び場(小さい子は園庭、大きい子は公園芝生)、大人の学び場。Kinone Cafe time, bake goods for sale, time for adults to relax (healing vendors), children's play area (kinone yard for little kids, park lawn for big kids), adult learning area.
Lunch Time きのねおにぎり&味噌汁、ワークショップ(ダンス、歌、子供の店など)、公園芝生で子供から大人まで本気の“だるまさんころんだ”など。 Kinone Onigiri & Miso Soup, workshops (dancing, singing, children's store, etc.), “Daruma-san Koronda” for kids and adults on the park lawn, etc.
Finale(1pm〜) 会場のみなさん全員できのね劇を観る・歌う・踊る⇒フィナーレ
Everyone in the hall watches, sings, and dances to the play ⇒ Finale
Date: Sunday, April 13th. Open @10am
Time: 10 am -2 pm (1 pm〜Finale)
Venue: 6670 SW 89th Pl, Portland, OR
SW Portland, behind the Vista Brook Park
先着100名 *定員になり次第締切
Admission Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis up to 100.
参加申込|RSVP Required:
Fee: 無料 Free Admission
Rice balls, baked goods, and some activities are available by purchasing tickets after admission.
A Message from Kinone
Many people might associate "Kinone" with the image of a kindergarten, but Kinone actually began its journey 10 years ago as "Kinone Space." From the beginning, our focus has been on the natural world, the changing seasons, and the growth of both children and their families. Our hope is to create a space where everyone, from babies to the elderly, can feel at home, share in the richness of life, and come together to create a better future.
As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, we want to return to our roots and celebrate the future growth of our community. Picture it like a joyful festival, where we come together to celebrate in advance (a tradition known as yoshuku—celebrating ahead of time to make dreams come true), in a space that makes it feel like a place where people can relax, connect, and feel supported. We are excited to welcome you all to this special place!
● お支払いは現金、またはクレジットカード(スクエア)がご利用いただけます(できる限り現金をご用意いただけますと幸いです)。
● 園内にトイレが1つで混雑が予想されます。来場前に済ませられる方はよろしくお願いします(Vista Brook Parkに仮設トイレが一か所ございます)。
● 駐車スペース(公園駐車場と路上)に限りがありますので、譲り合ってご利用ください。
● きのねでは地域と地球環境に配慮したイベント開催を大切にしています。エコバック、購入いただく食べ物を入れるタッパーウェア、などをご持参いただき、ゴミを減らす取り組みにご協力ください。
● 個人宅での開催のためスペースや設備に制限がありますことを予めご了承いただければと思います。