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Alisa Screening & Dialogue

「アリサ」上映会&お話会 Alisa Screening & Dialogue @ Kinone Space

Japanese film without English subtitles, but viewers will probably feel many things from the visual and audio. Non Japanese speaker is welcome, if you‘re fine without sub)

We will held documentary film screening on Friday October 16 at Kinne's Space Yurt.

申込ページ Sign Up Page:

さくらさくらんぼ教育をしている保育園で育ったありさちゃんという女の子の成長(0歳〜6歳)を追ったドキュメンタリー映画で、自然保育の中で仲間と共に育ち合うありさちゃんはどんな経験をして、どのように育つのか、この子の育ちを観る事で「見守る事の大切さ」「子どもが育つってどういう事」なのか、気づきがあるのではないかと思います。This is a documentary film that follows the growth of a girl named Alisa (age 0-6) who grew up in a nursery school that provides cherry blossom education. By watching the upbringing of Alisa, we hope you will realize the importance of watching over your child and what it means for a child to grow up.

現代の忙しい子育てでは、色々心配になったり不安を感じることが多いかもしれません。このドキュメンタリーを見て、皆さんと共に、今を生きる子どもたちと何を大切にしたいか、私たちも、立ち止まって考えてみませんか。In today's busy world of parenting, you may be worried and anxious about many things. After watching this documentary, we, along with you, would like to pause and think about what we want to do and what we want to value with our children living in the present.

☀️ 午前の部  Morning Screening
9:15am Open 9:30am Start
11:00am Dialogue/Share time お話会 (〜12:00pm. Participation optional 自由参加)

🌙 夜の部  Evening Screening
5:45pm Open 6:00pm Start
7:30pm Dialogue/Share time お話会 (〜8:30pm. Participation optional 自由参加) 

@ Kinone Space (6670 SW 89th Pl, Portland, OR 97223)

Screening Fee: $10(Pay by cash on screening day. 当日現金でお支払ください)

Childcare: $10 / 1h (Pay by cash on screening day. 当日現金でお支払ください)

If you are unable to leave your child at home, limited childcare will be provided based on the needs. If we can accommodate your request, we will return with details. Please specify the age and number of children. お子さんを預けるところがない方はご相談ください。対応できるか確認後、ご連絡します。お子さんの年齢と人数を明記ください。

申込ページ Sign Up Page:

October 11


October 23

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